The first date at the restaurant

27 Mar 2021 by Kristine Wagner

You can suggest some of the courses on the menu, but don’t order for her if she’s in the ladies’ room. She would love to see you informed and in control of himself, but she will hate your trying to control her too.

Don’t check out any other skirts while sitting in front of her. She needs to be your focus, on the first date and you don’t want to make her feel used or embarrassed by your liberal behavior. Avoid speaking on the phone or checking your emails while she sits at the table. You’re on a date, you must do all you can to entertain your company and to have a lovely time if you’re interested enough in that person.

Finding conversation topics is hard enough, alright. You need to establish some kind of common ground- the latest movies, art openings, exhibitions, etc. Do some research at home, before going out and open up wide subjects, so she can take it from there.

If she wants to hear about your past dating experiences, be open and don’t get emotional. Talk about your ex-girlfriend with respect and in a casual manner, even if you ended things in a bad way. Ask her about her dating experiences and then move on to some other topic.

Now that I’ve mentioned emotions, try to maintain a positive tone and an optimistic view of things. Don’t start talking about your abusive father, your alcoholic mother or your insensitive girlfriends. On first dates, it’s all about first impressions and enjoying the time spent with each other. You need to establish a deeper trust and confidence before you can speak about more serious things.

At some point, the conversation can languish but don’t worry about that. That is only a normal consequence of the fact that you are both looking to pick out the best words, both worrying not to make any fatal mistakes and to impress each other. Talk about your interests and hobbies and speak with enthusiasm about what you do. Make it sound great, women love passionate men. You can also make subtle allusions of what you make, but I mean subtle. Talk about your future professional plans, about your career and possible promotions. This way, you’ll make her feel confident about you being a good provider.

During the dinner, give her the chance to talk about herself, about her interests and future plans. Don’t spend too much time talking about yourself, she might get bored meanwhile and you want to keep her interested. Ask questions that need an elaborate answer and look into her eyes while she talks. Ask her about her career or her musical preferences. The conversation time must be equally split in half and you must not take up the time of your partner.

Oh, and don’t exaggerate with the alcohol. You need to remain sober if you want to be able to drive her home, as you promised her.


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